Thursday 16 June 2011

Oh wow...

Today I'm feeling particularly upset  -- and stupid.

Let me give you a flashback, I had just gotten off the school bus and was walking quickly home, to which ended in a run with me tripping up, probably spraining my wrist and smashing the screen of my new HTC Desire S.

Yes, it is possible to repair, however, almost as expensive as the phone itself... and as I am not even old enough to work legally yet, I cannot pay it with my own money.
I am sorry to my parent's :'(
And I am sorry to my phone :'(
Wish I could just go and undo it, but life doesn't work like that... if only I could be a time lord...

And tomorrow will be my second trip to A&E in six months, as I said up there above ^^ I think I sprained my wrist & I have arthiritis and  my shoulder and legs have been keeping me in pain for more than 24 hours.

Well, I hope that you like the new banner. I tried putting a face of a medoll in the middle instead, but I'm not the best at graphic design (Though better than everyone in YR7 definitely!) At least well, the hands... hmm... it looks asif they are doing yoga or something.
As usual, I post a video & here are some.
^^^^^THAT IS AMAZING! & No, it isn't the official video if you were wondering, it's completley fan made.
- Just, - just, wow. Ariana Grande and her brother, Frankie Grande planned this "playable" angry birds cake for their mother's birthday. How sweet?!

Thats it for now, Tara (:

P.S I'm going to alton towers again in summer, and hopefully Phonie will be fixed by then, so expect some pictures & videos ;)

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Who'd want to find love?


Wow, it's been a while scince I posted, hasn't it?
Well, I am back, and it will be nice to know that I am not dead... or have been abducted by aliens.

I have a school project on "Were medieval castles really so good?" due in tomorrow. Lets just say - it's not finished.

Well, I just wanted to post my new favourite song, also if you are an Ariana Grande fan, I suggest you join this project: click here
Also, a new blog header will be soon.
Your lovley Ariana Lena Joan Meyer Grande Landrut x)