Saturday 10 September 2011

Lady Marmalade

I love love love love love love love it!
Haha, I might have persuaded my friend to sing this in a local talent show.

Christina Aguilera's version is crap with all the lil' Kim and whatever in it. Patti LaBelle will always be best, but with Ariana Grande it's exquisite.

I just really wanted to share this with you all. xxx

Sunday 4 September 2011

Neopolitan Dreams

Stretching out to the seas :]
I love this song, although I dislike Lisa Mitchell's version, despite it being her song.
Lena's version.
I just wanted to post something here; Also I have a video to share once rendered.

I can't wait for Ariana Grande's new music..... Ahh...........
Arry xxxxxxxxx

Friday 2 September 2011

Beauty Week

I'm sure if you've read mdm lately, you will have heard the tragic  news of AislinVictory's cousin, Emily who took her life; due to bullying about her appearance. That post really struck me, I have to take part in Beauty Week to support Emily.

It is horrible being bullied. A few weeks before Summer began, well, actually it started way back when the year started, he was bullied. At first, just simple "Oh, ____ what does that say?" (he's not the best at reading) and pointing to a long word, that them themselves couldn't even read, but the thing is, I saw that and didn't tell.They were fighting every morning in the form room. One day, it was at it's peak. Physically fighting, pushing tables and chairs about, some selfish messed up minds taking it on video! It was impossible to try and do something; the fighters and the crowd, blocking the door way. I wanted to help so badly. If only I had. The form tutor, came up. Everyone had immediately settled down, like always. ____ had gone past the form tutor, saying he was going for some water. She obviously knew something was wrong. He was being bullied and he was too scared to say.
                                             We had this big lecture about it, from our form tutor, headteacher, assistant head teacher, and head of year.Didn't take long before it got around.
                                                                                           A few days after,  others from a different form were bullying him, how could a human be so distorted and twisted to do such horrible things to another of it's kind?

I type in beauty, and this is what comes up, sad, isn't it?

I have been bullied myself, as have many others. Beauty is a big thing in this terrible world. But what about the beauty inside? That's what Beauty week is about. And I will definitely be taking part somehow.

Ariana x

She's a model. You wouldn't think it in this photo, would you? So what? Your going to bully her because she doesn't look like this?

Yeah, I thought so...