Sunday 27 March 2011


hi-di-hi :D
I thought that I'd post about cyber-bullying, as I've been getting alot of it on youtube lately. My personal youtube, if you'd like to contact me via youtube click here: LaliArry's Youtube Page (note that is not my personal account)

I don't know whats been happening...
Just have a look at some of these comments.
(Click to enlarge)

And I'm like, well, thats nice, isn't it? She has been deleted scince, but still very racist. And just to make it clear to anyone reading this, I am white, and I am a christian. 

Thats just - wrong. Telling someone that their own mother didn't like them when they where born?
The same person also sent me these:

I think the girl above and the first girl are the same person. Anyways, time for me to go, hope you can discuss this more in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. You my bestie on SD :)
    Anyways that Chloe chick has been bullying me on Youtube so.... I blocked her!!!


