Sunday 27 March 2011

New Magazine

I know, i've made alot of failed projects and alot of things that I couldn't stick to. I'm not going to let this be one of them.

What it's about
Ariana's Magazine is about me. Okay, that totally sounded big-headed, but it is sort of. It's about me and my friends thoughts on things, but don't worry, it will still have all the stuff a usual magazine does.
There will be competitions with small prizes, I can't afford anything fancy.
There will be make-up tips and tricks with interviews and different themes.
What there won't be is "gossip" it isn't right to talk about people behind their backs and have them made fun of. There is also an updates section, with everything up-to-date plus a birthday club, there will be an interview with everyone whos birthday it is on that day, to join birthday club all you have to do it be a follower and sign up when it's all up and running - of course to be an official follower you have to join the club on stardoll. ArianasMagazine.
I'm currently hiring people I know will do a good job - my friends only at the moment. Probably in the near future i'll hire people - but this is voluntary only as I don't have many stardollars to pay people.

Thank you for reading :D


  1. I want a job!!!!! You know me :)
    I will do a good job!!

    First follower/Club Member

  2. KayKay, Ana :)
    I'll send you a mail on stardoll :D
