Wednesday 20 April 2011

I must mention...

Sorry. For not posting these past couple of days. I've had some problems to deal with in real life, but I'm okay now.
I changed the name (: I didn't really like the idea of the magazine, scince they consist of graphics and things. This is the best one I've done:
I hate it. Seriously, steal it for all you want. The pose is from i-dressup, the mouth looks weird, the shading is bad and she isn't placed well in the background. The only thing I may be the tiniest happy with is the hair, but even that if you look closely is a real fail.

Doing anything for easter?
Let me know (:
Oh& lizluz is making an awesome icon for me, I just have to pay 3SD today.

I sometimes wonder if anyone actually reads this and weather or not it is a fail blog. If you are reading this right now PLEASE comment below, it would mean alot <3
As you know I'm obsessed with Lena and Ariana Grande, so this is perfect for me!

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