Wednesday 30 November 2011

And, hello.

Dear readers,

Sorry for not posting in such a long time! I really should have... but yeah. I am in the process of redesigning the blog, it will be completely finished in a few days, thanks again, for being such brilliant readers.


Saturday 10 September 2011

Lady Marmalade

I love love love love love love love it!
Haha, I might have persuaded my friend to sing this in a local talent show.

Christina Aguilera's version is crap with all the lil' Kim and whatever in it. Patti LaBelle will always be best, but with Ariana Grande it's exquisite.

I just really wanted to share this with you all. xxx

Sunday 4 September 2011

Neopolitan Dreams

Stretching out to the seas :]
I love this song, although I dislike Lisa Mitchell's version, despite it being her song.
Lena's version.
I just wanted to post something here; Also I have a video to share once rendered.

I can't wait for Ariana Grande's new music..... Ahh...........
Arry xxxxxxxxx

Friday 2 September 2011

Beauty Week

I'm sure if you've read mdm lately, you will have heard the tragic  news of AislinVictory's cousin, Emily who took her life; due to bullying about her appearance. That post really struck me, I have to take part in Beauty Week to support Emily.

It is horrible being bullied. A few weeks before Summer began, well, actually it started way back when the year started, he was bullied. At first, just simple "Oh, ____ what does that say?" (he's not the best at reading) and pointing to a long word, that them themselves couldn't even read, but the thing is, I saw that and didn't tell.They were fighting every morning in the form room. One day, it was at it's peak. Physically fighting, pushing tables and chairs about, some selfish messed up minds taking it on video! It was impossible to try and do something; the fighters and the crowd, blocking the door way. I wanted to help so badly. If only I had. The form tutor, came up. Everyone had immediately settled down, like always. ____ had gone past the form tutor, saying he was going for some water. She obviously knew something was wrong. He was being bullied and he was too scared to say.
                                             We had this big lecture about it, from our form tutor, headteacher, assistant head teacher, and head of year.Didn't take long before it got around.
                                                                                           A few days after,  others from a different form were bullying him, how could a human be so distorted and twisted to do such horrible things to another of it's kind?

I type in beauty, and this is what comes up, sad, isn't it?

I have been bullied myself, as have many others. Beauty is a big thing in this terrible world. But what about the beauty inside? That's what Beauty week is about. And I will definitely be taking part somehow.

Ariana x

She's a model. You wouldn't think it in this photo, would you? So what? Your going to bully her because she doesn't look like this?

Yeah, I thought so...

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Sittin on tha toilet

Hi, guys :] It's me again. A long time, I know. But, oh well.
I promise to update later, I have a graphic to show you, but I have to watermark it first.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Oh wow...

Today I'm feeling particularly upset  -- and stupid.

Let me give you a flashback, I had just gotten off the school bus and was walking quickly home, to which ended in a run with me tripping up, probably spraining my wrist and smashing the screen of my new HTC Desire S.

Yes, it is possible to repair, however, almost as expensive as the phone itself... and as I am not even old enough to work legally yet, I cannot pay it with my own money.
I am sorry to my parent's :'(
And I am sorry to my phone :'(
Wish I could just go and undo it, but life doesn't work like that... if only I could be a time lord...

And tomorrow will be my second trip to A&E in six months, as I said up there above ^^ I think I sprained my wrist & I have arthiritis and  my shoulder and legs have been keeping me in pain for more than 24 hours.

Well, I hope that you like the new banner. I tried putting a face of a medoll in the middle instead, but I'm not the best at graphic design (Though better than everyone in YR7 definitely!) At least well, the hands... hmm... it looks asif they are doing yoga or something.
As usual, I post a video & here are some.
^^^^^THAT IS AMAZING! & No, it isn't the official video if you were wondering, it's completley fan made.
- Just, - just, wow. Ariana Grande and her brother, Frankie Grande planned this "playable" angry birds cake for their mother's birthday. How sweet?!

Thats it for now, Tara (:

P.S I'm going to alton towers again in summer, and hopefully Phonie will be fixed by then, so expect some pictures & videos ;)

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Who'd want to find love?


Wow, it's been a while scince I posted, hasn't it?
Well, I am back, and it will be nice to know that I am not dead... or have been abducted by aliens.

I have a school project on "Were medieval castles really so good?" due in tomorrow. Lets just say - it's not finished.

Well, I just wanted to post my new favourite song, also if you are an Ariana Grande fan, I suggest you join this project: click here
Also, a new blog header will be soon.
Your lovley Ariana Lena Joan Meyer Grande Landrut x)

Thursday 12 May 2011

Sierra Leone

This song has such meaning.
As well as the important message from this song, I got inspiration, so here is my human Sierra Leone: (Yeah, she isn't "human" so much of a medoll instead, you know what I mean, right? With Sierra Leone being a place.)

"Sierra Leone is beautiful, but it is innocent people that suffer due to her beauty"

Wednesday 11 May 2011

New "Starcoins"

Have you seen the new starcoin concept?

StarDOLLARS are only for SS. If you have any saved up you just mouse of the StarDOLLAR coin and click "exchange to starcoins"

Tuesday 10 May 2011

-.- I am so annoyed & bored right now. -

Ariana Grande (the brunette girl) <33333333333333333

The music video is far too err,, y'know... for me to post on here.
Yes, that is infact Selena Gomez.

Friday 29 April 2011

I apologize for abandoning you all.

This ^ amazing peice of digital art was made by the one and only amazingally fantastically absolutely awesomeally talented, lizluz!

I am sick of hearing about the bloody royal wedding. I seriously don't get all the fuss.
Its a wedding. Between a commoner and a royal. Yes, I'm happy for them. I will instead be going to the cinema instead of watching it, though. There isn't even a street party on my street. I wonder why...

Annywho, I am now writing for the stardoll voice, powered by usd.
Thats all for now.
Ellie ^ will be singing at their reception.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Sorry for not posting, but...

I just got back from my holiday to Alton Towers!
Now, you may be wondering, "What rides did she go on?"
Well, I'mma tell you!
First day, I went to the waterpark, it has a really nice jacoozi called the "Bubbly Wubbly"
Anyway, to the rides!

It was really fun, dark and exiting! With the rollercoaster actually dropping through the floor.
(That video is not of me, but I was in the back seat!!)
Loved TH13TEEN. :D

Oh no. The nemesis! I hated this one! My brother and dad made me do it! I had my eyes closed all the way through.
You are hanging off the rails, like, the seat is, and your sitting in it right way up.
If you go on the Nemesis, be sure to feel dizzy after!
That was the Runaway Mine Train. Fun, easy to ride and great for those little people and others who are scared of going on the really big ones.

The Blade. Hah, got back on my Dad for making me go on the nemesis - he is really afraid of heights!
And now, let us see it POV.
Congo River Rapids is up next, bring a raincoat.
We loved this one so much we went on it twice :D As many as 8 people can ride.
Squirrel Nutty ride :) This one's for my 6 year old brother, it's a rollercoaster, but very slow and you sit inside an acorn.
There's not much to say about it.

Tractors, for my 4 year old brother.
Doodle-do-derby, for my 4 and 6 year old brothers.
 It's just like a carousel, but with farm animals that make noises when you press the buttons on them.
Duels - make way for the spirits.

I can't believe people actually thought it was scary. It was really hilarious, for me.

Eye-Spy boat ride.
I can't find any videos of this, but it was a lovely little boat ride, next to the farm, which had guinea pigs and chickens in it.

Charlie and the Chocolate factory: The ride.
I love how it tells you the story the way along.
That's the glass elevator part.

SkyRide an easy option of travel and a great way to see the sights! My 6 year old brother wanted to go on this one, so we did.
I think that's all that I went on.
Oh, and let's just have a quick look at the Oblivion and Rita.
You'll see why I didn't want to go on them.
Oblivion. There is a drop, into a hole underground. I am afraid of heights. It purposely stops when you are at the top to frighten you.
Now, for Rita.
^ The Waterpark

The lift in the hotel I was staying in. Whenever I used the lift I did that too xD but they have changed the music to something more "Piratey" now.

^ Last but not least, the amazing monorail.
And I was pretty lucky on this holiday, after all, I went in the arcade, tried to win an iPad, and lost. Tried a different maching to win an iPod and won! I won a silver iPod (nano, I think) from an arcade machine for £1!

Thank you for taking your time to read this long post, and have a Happy Easter!

Saturday 23 April 2011

Free Flowers in Suite Shop :)

Idk what they are though :)

♥- A.M.

P.S. Happy Easter :)

Wednesday 20 April 2011

I must mention...

Sorry. For not posting these past couple of days. I've had some problems to deal with in real life, but I'm okay now.
I changed the name (: I didn't really like the idea of the magazine, scince they consist of graphics and things. This is the best one I've done:
I hate it. Seriously, steal it for all you want. The pose is from i-dressup, the mouth looks weird, the shading is bad and she isn't placed well in the background. The only thing I may be the tiniest happy with is the hair, but even that if you look closely is a real fail.

Doing anything for easter?
Let me know (:
Oh& lizluz is making an awesome icon for me, I just have to pay 3SD today.

I sometimes wonder if anyone actually reads this and weather or not it is a fail blog. If you are reading this right now PLEASE comment below, it would mean alot <3
As you know I'm obsessed with Lena and Ariana Grande, so this is perfect for me!

Monday 18 April 2011

LE is out.

I'm sure you'd find an image on the other stardoll blogs. :)
Only informing you...

Sunday 17 April 2011

Saturday 16 April 2011


I'm feeling much more awake now (:
It's a nice song, but scince when did Africa hit Norway?

Friday 15 April 2011


If your wondering why I am up so early, here's the thing. I was woken up by somebody elses alarm for 5AM.
It's 5:25 now. I couldn't get back to sleep so here I am..
I'm Hungry.
Staroll Membership Terms Have Changed.
I'm tired...

Oh my gosh. I can't beleive it ):

I'm going to miss Doctor Who the day before easter because I will be on holiday.
I hope the damn place has free wifi so I can watch it live on BBC iPlayer.
If your wondering why it means so much to me, I've watched every single episode scince when it started again in 2005/6 I couldn't bear to miss any episodes I love it so much (:
Even when I was 6, I watched the first episode I didn't even think it was scary. It was actually funny,I still remember the episode now and laugh (:
Just telling you :)
Ooh.. River and the doctor, eh?

Thursday 14 April 2011

Quick Post. Sunny Day (:

I love it (:

Nice. A background.

I am actually quite pleased with this.
What do you think of it?
I love it.

Who is it?

Like this graphic?
Well, who is it a graphic of?
Person who guesses first will get a gift, it will have to be a cupcake, but it's something!
If you see my post below, that is a bigg clue.

Alana Lee ftw! ^_^

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Gothic Lolita Graphic (Headshot)

At least the hair is alot better than last time, I'd say its half- decent, what do you think?
I hope to do a full graphic soon (:

I never mentioned, I also love Lena.

Coca Cola went to town...

Diet Pepsi knocked him down.
Doctor Pepper fixed him up.
Now we're drinking 7Up.
7Up got the flu,
now we're drinking Mountain Dew.
Mountain Dew fell off the mountain,
now we're drinking from the fountain.
Fountain went and somehow broke.
Now we're drinking Cherry Coke.
Cherry Coke lost the cherry, now
we're drinking Logan Berry.
Logan Berry said,"Oh, dear."
Now we're drinking Root Beer.
Root Beer, what a joke!
Now we're back to plain old Coke.

&hearts; I know it off by heart &hearts;
Share a smile :)

Tuesday 12 April 2011

New banner & my "attempt" of a stardoll Ariana Grande.

(Try to click it & you'll be directed to my suite.)
If any biatch tries to steal this, I'll have them sued!
Okay, so this is my first attempt of drawing anything from scratch. It took about half an hour, but I was rushing it anyway.
I drew everything apart from the face. Yes, I drew the pearl neclace.
It looks very, err... I don't know D:
Well, I put it in the new banner too:
(on the right, Ariana Grande, on the left, my attempt.)

Monday 11 April 2011


So, I have decided to make a comp that will go on for about 2 weeks. It will have three rounds.Round one: Invite people to follow! Fill out this form if you wish to participate!

Name: (what you go by)
Stardoll Name:
Age: (optional)
Starpoint Accomplishments:
Are you a follower?:
Have you ever been SS?:

Some People Just Don't Get The Little Thing Called "Posing".

This is just something that ticked me off, so be it to I write about it, if that makes any sense xD.

Princessophie (click her name to go to her suite) Is supposedly Callie.Stardolls sister.
Firstly, wouldn't her username be Sophie.Stardoll if that were true?
(Click to enlarge)
Hm...And really, your calling me an "idiout" whatever that means, learn how to spell! And a liar.
Weird girl... Also she says that even Nicki Minaj and Miley Cyrus have been to her house.
Gosh, they must have taken a lot of their precious time to go visit their particular poser!
No, but really. She's an idiot, thinks that everyone will believe her that she is Callie's sister.
Callie has actually stated that she does not have any of her family on stardoll.

Ta ta for now!

Soo Cute!

Isn't it? I've always loved the song but never known who sings it or what it was called.
Oh & a quick notice, I'm entering a video-editing contest, with this song in it! I'll post it as soon as I'm done!

Saturday 9 April 2011

E.T. - Katy Perry Lyrics

One of my favorite Katy Perry songs ever! Okay, so the news I wanted to share was that I love Katy Perry!!! LOL! Randomness Signed, Ana/Chelseabug09

Another new writer upon down here :)

Miley....Cyrus9 a.k.a Callie a.k.a Greyson xD
Will be writing for Ariana's Magazine.
She says she might not be able to, alot of the time though, but it's a start of getting a few more people to write, right?

I always end with a video.
I know, I hate it too.

Something Occurred to me..

Thats all it is, really. Apart from the fact that friends but it may be only a few do write here. I have a few other blogs, but I would prefer it for you not to visit them.
If you must like to know some facts about me, here are some.
I go by Arry. Ariana, the full version. It's my middle name, not my first. I prefer it so much more though.
My age, I'm eleven years old. If you'd like my birthday it's on the birthday club page, which please could you sign up for.

Willow Smith.
What's up with her?
I have a good friend named Willow.
My neighbours had a willow tree.
Is her stage name now Willow?

Haha :) Going a little bit off topic there...

Could you in anyway help?
Oh, it doesn't matter anyway.

I'd like to thank lel1996 for following me :D
&Ana. She is still a writer here, you know, but she hasn't posted "properly" yet.

Fame, what's it about?
Money? Blah? Hacking?

Thanks for reading this random dilly-dally-o-weird-daydream-post.
Doesn't it seem like I post a video in every post? It's just something I like to do.
And to finish off...

Friday 8 April 2011

When will you realize, Vienna waits for you?

Slow down, you crazy child. So ambitious for a juvenile.

On another satisfactory note,*

Pet-a-porter puppies have been released!
Aww, how cute?*

Pet-a-porter = Boring. Stupid. Expensive.
= Pet-a-porter

I must admit, I did quite like the kitty's one, though I dislike dogs but I dislike the whole idea. $100 for a virtual animal?
Pffft. Spend it on Vienna instead.

*= Sarcasm.


Thursday 7 April 2011

Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me. Yo Yo, Gangstarrs!

How ya doing, Yall?
I just absolutley hate  loathe Bethany Pickles (not an SD user)
Today, in media, we had to take spring photos. She took one of me.
She deleted all my best shots.
I deleted her photo of me.
Now what do I get called?
"Ya Stupid. Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid."
I was called stupid repeatedly until the end of class.
You know what I was thinking?
"Fuck you, bitch."

If you ever get pissed off at someone, thats just what to say. Or think.
Random post.
Oh, and I see Chelsea, or Ana has posted:)
And my last post was a double. What a faill "/

Eh, bye-bye, gum.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

New Writer!

Hey! I'm Chelseabug09 or you can call me Ana. I am going to write for the blog to help Arry out!!!! YAhhhh!! I'm soooo excited!! Love, Ana I will more than likely be posting comps, and freebies!


New Writer :)
Sorry for not posting :D


New Writer :)
Sorry for not posting :D

Sunday 3 April 2011

And I was like, baby, baby, baby - Oh.

Hello, again.
I don't have anything to write about.
Kkay :D

heart you all, my lovely readers. But I doubt alot of people read yet.

Edit: I am TOTALLY obsessed with Waking Up In Vegas & Ariana Grande's Vienna!

Friday 1 April 2011

April Fools!

Shame it doesn't count after noon.
Just wanted to post, as I didn't yesterday.
Posting of all my favourite youtube videos.
Kkay :)

Wednesday 30 March 2011




Tuesday 29 March 2011

Join ArianasMagazine!

Join the official blog club if you haven't already, click here.
Thankies if yhu dhuu :)
Arry- currently nibbling on some pepperoni pizza :D

Александр Рыбак - Я не верю в чудеса / песни супергероя

Таким образом, эта должность не совсем то, что название говорит XD это он просто нагрузку России:) Те, ктодействительно посвященная будет перевести это просточитать ее XD комментарий ниже в России, если вы сделали!

Monday 28 March 2011

Don't you think...

Its funny, how Mother Gothel seems to love Rapunzel, though really alll she wants is her hair. As in the song, Mother Knows Best it seems like she is singing to Rapunzel, but really if you look closely she is singing to the hair xD
Okay, just some random thoughts for today:)
Oh - and here is something I love to watch just for fun, you'll love it too!

Sunday 27 March 2011


hi-di-hi :D
I thought that I'd post about cyber-bullying, as I've been getting alot of it on youtube lately. My personal youtube, if you'd like to contact me via youtube click here: LaliArry's Youtube Page (note that is not my personal account)

I don't know whats been happening...
Just have a look at some of these comments.
(Click to enlarge)

And I'm like, well, thats nice, isn't it? She has been deleted scince, but still very racist. And just to make it clear to anyone reading this, I am white, and I am a christian. 

Thats just - wrong. Telling someone that their own mother didn't like them when they where born?
The same person also sent me these:

I think the girl above and the first girl are the same person. Anyways, time for me to go, hope you can discuss this more in the comments!

New Magazine

I know, i've made alot of failed projects and alot of things that I couldn't stick to. I'm not going to let this be one of them.

What it's about
Ariana's Magazine is about me. Okay, that totally sounded big-headed, but it is sort of. It's about me and my friends thoughts on things, but don't worry, it will still have all the stuff a usual magazine does.
There will be competitions with small prizes, I can't afford anything fancy.
There will be make-up tips and tricks with interviews and different themes.
What there won't be is "gossip" it isn't right to talk about people behind their backs and have them made fun of. There is also an updates section, with everything up-to-date plus a birthday club, there will be an interview with everyone whos birthday it is on that day, to join birthday club all you have to do it be a follower and sign up when it's all up and running - of course to be an official follower you have to join the club on stardoll. ArianasMagazine.
I'm currently hiring people I know will do a good job - my friends only at the moment. Probably in the near future i'll hire people - but this is voluntary only as I don't have many stardollars to pay people.

Thank you for reading :D